Questions to Ponder 19, 20

19.  How did you arrive at the relationships you are in today?  Is there something you can regain/retain by remembering those beginnings?

20.  What is the most important thing you learned at school?   Are you content with the age and the context in which you learned it?  If you could do your schooling over, what would you change?

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Questions to Ponder 17, 18

17.  What would be your absolute favorite way of making a living?  Why not practice this for fun (not necessarily for compensation) this summer?

18.  Do you ever lie?  Why do you?

(My answers to these questions are on the comments page.)

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Questions to Ponder 15, 16

15.  What would you do if you were a member of a musical band who, after several years of individual effort contributed toward the collaborated end product—an album of songs unsurpassed in beauty and musical ingenuity, found out that one of the band members had taken the album to his neck of the woods and started distributing copies without informing his fellow band members?

16.  What is your greatest concern?  Turning it around as a statement of your greatest desire, how would it read?

(My answers to these questions are on the comments page.)

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