Questions to Ponder 7, 8

7. Assume for a minute that your life’s purpose is to “do good”–what is your favorite way to “do good”?

8. If you knew you were to die in 3 days, what would be your priorities between now and then? (What would you not want to leave undone?)

(My answers to these questions are on the comments page.)

About Shaunalei

"Peace by Piece" is a storehouse for my exploratory journey of discovery and healing. Feel free to reach me at:
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3 Responses to Questions to Ponder 7, 8

  1. shaunalei says:

    My Answer to Question 7:
    I feel very satisfied when I am able to be a solutions person (facilitator) for others—helping them to connect with resources or mentors which they need to reach their desired goal(s).

    My Answer to Question 8:
    Sunday 3/15: Digitally record for my children, in their presence, my memories of their births and my feelings about them. Finish typing up the cute sayings of my kids which I’ve hand-written but never put into their digital files. Finish writing up my thoughts in my “What I’ve Come to Understand” journal.
    Monday 3/16: Finish the paperwork for our trusts and ILITs. Organize in one place the necessary account numbers/passwords/phone numbers which Erik would need to know. Purge my den, if time permitted.
    Tuesday 3/17: Spend time with my family, out in nature. Say “Thank you and good-bye” to my parents in person. Call my siblings to say “Good-bye.” Pray in peace. Spend the night in Erik’s arms.

  2. Jessika says:

    7. favorite way to “do good”,I think playing with my little brother and sister.

    8. Hmmm, that’s a hard one. I think I would apologize for most of the wrong I committed, and give all my money to mom and dad (but, since I’m probably going to live, I’m so NOT giving them my money!!!).

  3. Jessika says:


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